Youth for Development and Productivity(YODEP)

Creating a better and safe environment for children and youth in the society.

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Youth for Development and Productivity(YODEP)

Creating a better and safe environment for children and youth in the society.

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Youth for Development and Productivity(YODEP)

Creating a better and safe environment for children and youth in the society.

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Safe Guarding statement

In Youth for Development and Productivity (YODEP), child and adult safeguarding is the foundation of our work and there is zero tolerance towards the abuse and exploitation of children and adults by any of our representatives. YODEP is very committed to doing everything in order to make sure that unintended harm or accidents to children and adults as the result of any of our activities are avoided

Our Successful Stories

Changing Lives Through Goat Pass-On Program

YODEP Adventures in Early Learning

women village banks in TA Chowe

Story About What We Do

Youth for Development and Productivity (YODEP) is a child and youth-focused non-profit making Organization established in the year 1998 in order to respond to the plight of the Malawian children and youth who live and grow in high-risk environments plagued by poverty, ignorance, malnutrition, and high rates of communicable diseases.

Our Programs

Early Childhood Development (ECD)

    • Establish and strengthen community based ECD centres
    • Support capacity building of care givers and ECD centre management committees
    • Facilitate production of learning and playing materials using locally available resources
    • Conduct awareness of community structures on importance ECD services
    • Construct ECD centres to improve the learning environment
    • Develop incentives for ECD care givers
    • Conduct advocacy to government to improve ECD support and management
    • Promote growth monitoring in ECD centres
    • Promote feeding programmes in ECD centres
    • Promote linkages between ECD centres and primary schools
    • Promote innovations in ECD centres such as Special Needs Action Pack, Interactive Radio Instruction, Emergent Learning and Maths, Healing and Education through Arts, Parenting 

Food and Nutrition Security

    • Promote food production activities including crops, livestock, aquaculture, and apiculture to improved access to food
    • Promote nutrition awareness and social behaviour change among communities
    • Capacity building in food and nutrition security for staff, care groups, CBCC management committees, VNCCs, and ANCCs
    • Build the capacity of communities in food processing, utilization and diversification
    • Promote exclusive breast feeding among mothers  

Child Protection

    • Conduct community awareness on child rights and child protection
    • Strengthen the capacity of community structures such as Child Protection Committees, Case Managers, VDCs, SMCs, MGs, Churches on reporting cases of child abuse
    • Conduct referral and rehabilitation of abused children
    • Establish child protection committees
    • Establish survival care system for abused children
    • Mobilise children core group structures both in and out of school to capacitate the children on child protection
    • Facilitate the modification of harmful cultural practices
    • Facilitate establishment of male champions as protectors of children and women from GBV 

Women and Youth Economic Empowerment

    • Conduct training on entrepreneurship and financial literacy for the youth to engage in self-employment
    • Establish and facilitate linkage of the youth to vocational education skills training and machinery including TEVETA
    • Facilitate formation of Youth business cooperatives mainstreamed with IEC on issues affecting them such as dangers of substance abuse and harmful social behaviours
    • Provide soft loans to youth to support business start-up and growth
    • Support women and the youth with livestock Pass on Schemes to enhance livelihoods
    • Support women and the youth with start-up farm inputs
    • Facilitate Village and Loan Associations to promote savings and investment culture
    • Support women and the youth with irrigation-based value chain development services to adopt commercial agriculture
    • Link women and youth cooperatives to existing financial lending schemes such as AgCOM, MAIIC, NEEF, SMEDI, etc to support business start-up and growth 

Health Programmes

    • Provide youth friendly health services such as SRH awareness, training, technologies, and contraceptives
    • Support the youth with life skills and peer education
    • Facilitate establishment of youth and teen clubs to enhance peer support
    • Promote sports for health to promote talent and access to SRH services
    • Promote menstrual hygiene management for girls
    • Conduct group therapy sessions for youth living with HIV
    • Facilitate formation and strengthening of Health and Sanitation Committees in Schools, Villages, and local Markets
    • Support construction of 2 health centres in the project impact areas
    • Promote maternal health services
    • Promote early diagnosis and awareness of malaria, bilharzia and TB
    • Provide referral and assistive devices to children with disabilities
    • Conduct awareness to address misconceptions around health issues such as cholera, vaccines, pandemics, etc
    • Promote WASH services in schools, markets, villages, religious institutions  

Disaster Risk & Natural Resources Management

    • Develop a Disaster Risk Management Action Plan to guide DRM response
    • Increase awareness on climate smart agriculture practices and DRM
    • Promote agroforestry activities
    • Promote afforestation and reforestation activities for carbon sequestration and climate change mitigation
    • Promote forest-based enterprises as a means to climate change adaptation
    • Build capacity of village based natural resources committees on climate smart agriculture
    • Build the capacity of district and community structures in early warning systems, response and recovery
    • Strengthen provision of psychosocial support to those affected by disasters
    • Promote humanitarian response to mitigate disaster effects  

Latest Campaigns and events

Handover of Namavi Primary School

Handover of Namavi Primary School

YODEP officially handed over a newly co...

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