Early Childhood Development (ECD)

  • Establish and strengthen community based ECD centres
  • Support capacity building of care givers and ECD centre management committees
  • Facilitate production of learning and playing materials using locally available resources
  • Conduct awareness of community structures on importance ECD services
  • Construct ECD centres to improve the learning environment
  • Develop incentives for ECD care givers
  • Conduct advocacy to government to improve ECD support and management
  • Promote growth monitoring in ECD centres
  • Promote feeding programmes in ECD centres
  • Promote linkages between ECD centres and primary schools
  • Promote innovations in ECD centres such as Special Needs Action Pack, Interactive Radio Instruction, Emergent Learning and Maths, Healing and Education through Arts, Parenting 

Food and Nutrition Security

  • Promote food production activities including crops, livestock, aquaculture, and apiculture to improved access to food
  • Promote nutrition awareness and social behaviour change among communities
  • Capacity building in food and nutrition security for staff, care groups, CBCC management committees, VNCCs, and ANCCs
  • Build the capacity of communities in food processing, utilization and diversification
  • Promote exclusive breast feeding among mothers  

Child Protection

  • Conduct community awareness on child rights and child protection
  • Strengthen the capacity of community structures such as Child Protection Committees, Case Managers, VDCs, SMCs, MGs, Churches on reporting cases of child abuse
  • Conduct referral and rehabilitation of abused children
  • Establish child protection committees
  • Establish survival care system for abused children
  • Mobilise children core group structures both in and out of school to capacitate the children on child protection
  • Facilitate the modification of harmful cultural practices
  • Facilitate establishment of male champions as protectors of children and women from GBV 

Women and Youth Economic Empowerment

  • Conduct training on entrepreneurship and financial literacy for the youth to engage in self-employment
  • Establish and facilitate linkage of the youth to vocational education skills training and machinery including TEVETA
  • Facilitate formation of Youth business cooperatives mainstreamed with IEC on issues affecting them such as dangers of substance abuse and harmful social behaviours
  • Provide soft loans to youth to support business start-up and growth
  • Support women and the youth with livestock Pass on Schemes to enhance livelihoods
  • Support women and the youth with start-up farm inputs
  • Facilitate Village and Loan Associations to promote savings and investment culture
  • Support women and the youth with irrigation-based value chain development services to adopt commercial agriculture
  • Link women and youth cooperatives to existing financial lending schemes such as AgCOM, MAIIC, NEEF, SMEDI, etc to support business start-up and growth 

Health Programmes

  • Provide youth friendly health services such as SRH awareness, training, technologies, and contraceptives
  • Support the youth with life skills and peer education
  • Facilitate establishment of youth and teen clubs to enhance peer support
  • Promote sports for health to promote talent and access to SRH services
  • Promote menstrual hygiene management for girls
  • Conduct group therapy sessions for youth living with HIV
  • Facilitate formation and strengthening of Health and Sanitation Committees in Schools, Villages, and local Markets
  • Support construction of 2 health centres in the project impact areas
  • Promote maternal health services
  • Promote early diagnosis and awareness of malaria, bilharzia and TB
  • Provide referral and assistive devices to children with disabilities
  • Conduct awareness to address misconceptions around health issues such as cholera, vaccines, pandemics, etc
  • Promote WASH services in schools, markets, villages, religious institutions  

Disaster Risk & Natural Resources Management

  • Develop a Disaster Risk Management Action Plan to guide DRM response
  • Increase awareness on climate smart agriculture practices and DRM
  • Promote agroforestry activities
  • Promote afforestation and reforestation activities for carbon sequestration and climate change mitigation
  • Promote forest-based enterprises as a means to climate change adaptation
  • Build capacity of village based natural resources committees on climate smart agriculture
  • Build the capacity of district and community structures in early warning systems, response and recovery
  • Strengthen provision of psychosocial support to those affected by disasters
  • Promote humanitarian response to mitigate disaster effects  

Governance and Social Accountability

  • Facilitate interface meetings between duty bearers and communities
  • Conduct budget tracking for the District Council including CDF, DDF, School Improvement Grant
  • Develop awareness on corruption among community structures and community members




Quality Basic Education Services

  • Facilitate construction of primary and secondary schools
  • Promote girl child education
  • Promote creation and enforcement of community bylaws to improve enrolment, attendance in schools, reduce early marriages and pregnancies
  • Provide school bursary (fees and school supplies) to needy students in primary and secondary schools
  • Promote adult literacy learning
  • Conduct mentorship and coaching of primary school teachers to improve school outcomes
  • Provide bicycle support to mitigate distances to primary and secondary schools especially for the girl child
  • Promote quiz competitions in schools
  • Provide incentives to motivate teachers to improve teaching performance